Using Voicethread to engage intermediate and advanced students in the language classroom Description: This webinar will discuss how to use the...
Using Voicethread to engage intermediate and advanced students in the language classroom Description: This webinar will discuss how to use the...
The Core of a Successful Language Center: Hire, Train, and Develop Stellar Staff No language center can successfully serve its...
Affect-aware Technologies: The Dawn of a New Age for CALL? 2017 saw the integration of facial recognition in many popular...
The (ir)relevance of language resource centers in today’s technological and methodological climate: Situating relevance within three specific paradigms In this...
Open to Change: Strategies for Finding, Utilizing, and Creating Open Media Content for Language Courses There is general agreement that...
Talking Abroad: Web-based Videoconferencing with Native Speakers This webinar is for educators interested in integrating authentic synchronous communication with native...
Post-secondary administrative perspectives on technology-mediated language learning Perspectives on language and technology projects: a liberal arts dean (and language professor)...
Changing Roles: Impacting the Language Learning Narrative on Campus Universities are increasingly deciding to drop language courses from graduation requirements....
Prequels and sequels to August webinar on ANVILL and H5P We hope you are planning to join us for the...
Empowering Teachers to Author Their Own Materials: ANVILL, H5P, and Beyond In this webinar, we will examine the question of...