The International Association for Language Learning Technology produces a series of publications designed to cover the major issues in running a language laboratory in the 21st century. While intended primarily for those at the early stages of their careers, they also include insights into the newest technological and pedagogical trends that will be of interest to those more established in the field.
Call for Chapters: Language Center Handbook 2025
The International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) is soliciting chapter proposals for a new book tentatively titled Language Center Handbook 2025. This volume, with chapters double-blind peer-reviewed by an editorial board, is a follow-up to the Language Center Handbooks published in 2018 and 2021. Its chapters will address current best practices in managing and developing a language center, language center design and redesign, and other areas related to language centers. We particularly welcome proposals for chapters with an international perspective.
Angelika Kraemer, Cornell University, USA
Betsy Lavolette, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
Extended proposal submission deadline: Nov. 10, 2023
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Language Center Handbook 2021 (2021)
Edited by Elizabeth Lavolette and Angelika Kraemer
The Language Center Handbook 2021 is the latest volume in IALLT’s Language Center Management and Language Center Design volumes. The chapters span a much broader geographical area than the previous Language Center Handbook (2018), including authors based in Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, and the US. Unlike previous IALLT volumes, the definition of language spaces is expanded to embrace language labs, language centers, and self-access learning centers. The topics cover the origins and fundamentals of language spaces, designing and redesigning these spaces, and technologies used and supported by language spaces. For the directors and staff of language spaces, this publication is a valuable resource for developing and reimagining affordances and services. For administrators, the Language Center Handbook 2021 provides a basis for understanding the potential and unique value of language spaces.
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Language Learning in Foreign Language Houses (2020)
Edited by Jennifer Bown, Wendy Baker Smemoe, Dan P. Dewey
Language Learning in Foreign Language Houses is the first volume dedicated to research and practice of domestic language immersion in Foreign Language Houses. Foreign Language Houses provide a unique learning environment where learners engage with their target language and culture while pursuing their studies at their home universities. The chapters in this volume contain descriptions of foreign language housing programs at universities across the United States, as well as research on language acquisition or culture learning in such programs. The descriptions of programs cover such issues as fundraising, staffing, programming, design of physical space, and integration with academic studies. The research chapters range from outcomes-based studies focusing on pronunciation to process-oriented studies examining issues of identity. The volume concludes with principles of design both of the physical space and the virtual space of Foreign Language Houses. This publication is a useful resource for practitioners aiming to improve or create a Foreign Language House as well as scholars interested in research on language and cultural learning in informal, naturalistic settings. It contains justifications for this immersive housing experience, practical recommendations for set-up and administration, and research regarding its outcomes.
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The Language Center Handbook (2018)
Edited by Elizabeth Lavolette and Edwige F. Simon
The Language Center Handbook is a collection of new chapters and updates to chapters previously published in IALLT’s Language Center Management and Language Center Design volumes. The chapters cover topics related to both language center management and design, including case studies from various contexts.
This publication is a useful resource for language center directors and staff ready to embrace new opportunities for their centers. The Language Center Handbook also provides valuable information for administrators trying to understand what language centers do and how they differ from other academic support units, for committees in charge of designing or redesigning language centers, and for faculty advocating for the addition of a language center at their institution.
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From Language Lab to Language Center and Beyond:
The Past, Present, and Future of Language Center Design (2017)
Edited by Felix A. Kronenberg
Although still often called ‘language labs’—despite the staff’s insistence on newer names—today’s language centers have dramatically changed, adapted, and evolved from the cubicle-based language laboratories common through most of the twentieth century. This new IALLT publication creates a mosaic of different directions, missions, and designs that language centers at the authors’ institutions have embraced.
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- Purchase this book ($29.95; ISBN: 9781946123008) from, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.
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Language Center Evaluation Toolkit (2017)
By the IALLT Assessment Committee 2013-2015
Routine evaluations (including self-evaluations) help language centers remain relevant and efficient. The Language Center Evaluation Toolkit (LCET) provides institutions of higher education with a customizable set of tools to assist with the evaluation process. The Toolkit is by nature flexible and takes into account that no two language centers have the same mission, funding, or staffing. The LCET includes:
- recommendations for assembling an evaluation committee;
- a center director self-evaluation form;
- a survey for center patrons and other stakeholders;
- a list of descriptors organized by categories, e.g., student services, resources.
The authors of the LCET are Edwige Simon (committee chair), Angelika Kraemer, Felix Kronenberg, Betsy Lavolette, and Audrey Sartiaux.
The LCET is available as a shared folded which contains a PDF of the complete LCET and editable versions of the surveys and descriptor list.
Language Center Management Manual (2013)
Edited by Andrew Ross
This publication provides a comprehensive guide to the administration of a language center. In addition to detailed treatments of issues related to staffing and management, it provides frameworks for the logistics of managing equipment and multimedia, including issues of copyright and intellectual property. The manual also includes modules that address the role of the language center in faculty training and professional development, issues of public relations and strategic planning, and the increasingly important role of fundraising. (225 pp.)
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Language Center Design Manual (2011)
Edited by Felix A. Kronenberg and Ute S. Lahaie
This publication provides two in-depth case studies that explore the general shift from the more traditional language lab into a more open and less confined language center. In addition to treatments of such key topics as the role language centers in the K-12 context and the advantages of purchasing a “turn-key” system, the manual discusses the challenge of language center design during times of rapidly changing technologies, including the need to find a balance between virtual and physical spaces. (116 pp.)
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Task-Based III: Expanding the Range of Tasks Through the Web (2009)
Edited by LeeAnn Stone and Carol Wilson-Duffy
This volume presents a range of task-based activities and illustrates how they forward communicative and proficiency goals. Authors present the lessons in their own style in an intentional attempt at provide a window into the variety of voices, perspectives, organizational approaches and understandings of what task-based instruction is and how it is implemented in real-world environments and contexts. Each activity is presented within the context of a specific institution and course level, providing enough description and background information to enable readers to integrate the described content into their own practice. (280 pp.)
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The IALLT Language Center Design Kit, Fourth Edition (2003)
Edited by Jack L. Burston and Mikle D. Ledgerwood
The Fourth Edition of the IALLT Language Center Design Kit (LCDK) reacts to changes in redesigns and new space creations based on the integration of multimedia computer-based technology into language center facilities. The publication contains an introduction with a historical overview of the previous three editions, seven modules discussing needs-based design and redesign considerations, a glossary, and a bibliography. It also contains photographs and blueprints from several facilities from the early 2000s. (162 pp.)
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Administering the Learning Center: The IALL Management Manual (1995)
Edited by Robin E. Lawrason
The IALL Management Manual offers a review of key elements a director needs to pull together when given the assignment to coordinate a language technology center. It contains evidence and documentation when planning a lab or new center, hiring a director, or getting the recognition needed for the many-faceted work done by the language learning lab director. It contains 10 modules that complement the IALL Lab Design Kit and provides new and old members with the collected experience of many in the organization. (304 pp.)
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