
The IALLT webinar series offers engaging, interactive professional development workshops on topics related to language teaching, technology, and language centers.  While participation in the webinars is open to all, access to archives of the sessions are restricted to IALLT members. View the list of webinar archives below.

Would you like to suggest a webinar topic or volunteer to offer a webinar?  Please contact webinars@iallt.org.

Upcoming Webinars

Thursday, February 20, 202412:00pm PT / 1:00pm MT / 2:00pm CT / 3:00pm ETAngelika Kraemer and friendsConference Preview and Candidate Forums

In this special webinar, hear more about our plans for the FLEAT 8 conference, which will be held June 25-28 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoai. We will also meet the candidates for the IALLT board: President-Elect: Jeff Samuels; Programs Director: Amanda Romjue, Edwige Simon; Secretary: Lisa A. Frumkes, Molly Godwin-Jones. The webinar's format will include short introductions by each candidate, some questions from the moderator, and then an opportunity for the IALLT community to ask questions. The webinar will be recorded and made available on the IALLT website for members who are unable to attend live. Candidate statements can be found at https://iallt.memberclicks.net/iallt-elections-2025 (log in to access them).
Webinar Description

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Wednesday, March 5, 20249:00am PT / 10:00am MT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ETZrinka Stahuljak, Alexander Kusenko, Elizabeth Landers, and Warren EsseyKudu and the AI Classroom: A New Age of Customized Textbooks (Without Sticker Shock)

The presenters of this webinar will highlight Kudu, a textbook creation platform that uses AI to improve learning outcomes, the use of Kudu in Humanities, and their vision for the future of custom textbooks.
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Webinar Recordings

You must be an IALLT member to view the recordings of past webinars.  Please log in here.

List of Past Webinars

Webinar DateTitle DescriptionPresenter(s)
1/14/25Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Your Lessons Using Instructional TechnologyPersonalizing learning does not mean students do the exact same assignment one way. It means students have choice, actively engage in what they are learning, how they are demonstrating their progress and curating the most productive means by which to demonstrate knowledge and skills application! Let's discuss doable, simplified, and creative strategies to personalize learning that productively cultivates student agency. Attendees will interact with student-created personalized products, watch video clips of the Principles of Personalized Learning in action. Sites include Padlet, Adobe Express, Adobe Podcast and Seesaw E-Portfolio. Attendees receive a list of various activities and strategies for multiple subjects that can be customized for their students' needs, any level. Attendees also receive simplified, customizable planning and implementation templates.Tavane Moore
12/3/25Maximizing Canva for Your World Language ClassroomDiscover how to leverage new and existing Canva features to create engaging resources and enriching learning experiences for your lessons. Interact with valuable Canva tools to design interactive activities and eye-catching visuals that support language acquisition, amplify student voice, and support engagement.Bertha Delgadillo
10/4/24From Textbook to Homework: A Collaborative Journey in Developing Our Spanish OER Projects with LibreTextsIn this presentation, four instructors from California community colleges will discuss their transition from traditional commercial textbook bundles to Open Educational Resources (OER) and innovative homework solutions in Spanish language instruction. They will focus on three collaborative projects supported by the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (ASCCC OERI) and LibreTexts: Entrada Libre (2020), Tarea Libre (2022), and Tarea Libre 2 (expected summer 2024). Attendees will learn about the collaborative process, from conception to implementation, and the challenges faced during the development of the materials.
The speakers will share valuable insights into OER development and offer actionable takeaways. The presentation aims to renew enthusiasm for reshaping the future of Spanish language education through innovative solutions. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of open and accessible resources that align with the ASCCC OERI IDEA framework of inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and accessibility.
Alejandro Lee, Hugo Díaz-Rodil, Sarah Harmon, and Cristina Moon
9/26/24L2 Learner Use of Machine Translation: Using What we Know to Harness the Pedagogical Benefits of (Automated) TranslationDr. Luciane Maimone is an associate professor of Hispanic Linguistics at Missouri State University. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Georgetown University. Her research focuses on psycholinguistic aspects of non-native language acquisition, language pedagogy and assessment, and the educational affordances of online environments, including machine translation and telecollaboration.

Dr. Jason Jolley is a professor of Spanish at Missouri State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Spanish from The Pennsylvania State University. His teaching and research interests include Latin American literature, translation and machine translation in language learning, motivation, and self-directed language learning.
Luciane Maimone and Jason Jolley
Click here to view the slides
8/6/24MAALLT Tech Slam 5 MAALLT is excited to hold our fifth Tech Slam, “AI &…: AI Smashing!” on Tuesday, August 6th at 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time as an IALLT Webinar! The event will consist of multiple 5-minute micro-presentations. The theme of presentations this time will be around AI and some other element. Presenters will introduce their tool or practice and explain its benefits to learners. A question and answer period will conclude the event. MALLT
7/22/24Leveraging Small Language Centers To Make a DifferenceThis webinar invites directors of small language centers to identify the many ways in which their centers can be relevant not only to the students and faculty in language departments but also to the entire university. We will consider different paths to leverage language centers to pursue collaborative and innovative student-led and faculty-led opportunities on campus and within the community. The webinar will also address some of the challenges that small centers directors may face and how to turn those challenges into opportunities.Marie Schein
6/5/24Beyond the Margins: Enhancing Student Engagement With Perusall and Social Annotating in the ClassroomThis workshop examines the use of Perusall, a collaborative platform that transforms solitary reading assignments into engaging collective activities. This workshop is tailored for educators looking to enhance their students' academic reading and writing skills by incorporating social annotating practices that foster critical thinking and in-depth analysis. Discover practical strategies to integrate Perusall into your curriculum, engage your classroom, and stimulate scholarly discussions that extend beyond the margins.John Gibbons
5/15/24Student-Led Language Exploration and Other Possibilities for Learning Beyond the CurriculumAs course offerings shrink with programs under threat, how can language centers facilitate language practice and continue meeting student needs and interests? Learn how one small center has embraced informal language groups, led by student volunteers and driven entirely by student interests. We’ll examine how these interest groups work and highlight the value of students leading students in language exploration. Beyond this particular model, we’ll exchange views on other relevant, and perhaps strategic, approaches to co-curricular learning that centers might pursue, such as intercultural assessment and learning.Carol Goss, Director of the Language Resource Center at Valparaiso University
4/16/24Virtual Reality in the Language Classroom: How to Design your Virtual WorldIn this webinar, we will share best practices on integrating virtual reality into the language classroom, tips on building your virtual world in VRChat using Unity, and suggestions on dos and don’ts in managing time, students, and technology.Rebecca Bias, Samanta Buffa, and Kevin Richards
3/7/24Machine Learning and Grammar Instruction: The Case of German Nominal GenderLanguage learners often struggle with particular grammar topics, but with limited instructional time, sometimes these topics do not receive in-depth attention in the classroom. One example of this phenomenon is the gender of German nouns. This presentation showcases a software solution that supplies the reasoning behind the gender of German nouns, aiming to help learners understand the underlying rules. The presentation will highlight the program's potential for assisting students with background knowledge, and will emphasize that AI solutions extend beyond ChatGPT, offering innovative solutions to language learning challenges.Simon Zuberek, Senior educational technologist at Columbia LRC
2/8/24Academic Integrity in the Face of Artificial IntelligenceAfter a year of implementation, it is clear that Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT, Bing Chat & Google Bard, present both opportunities to enhance language learning and threats to the integrity of teaching, learning and assessment. In this webinar, Dr. Bertram Gallant will encourage language instructors to explore the practical ways in which they can think through these opportunities and threats and craft policies to guide ethical GenAI use in the classroom.Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant
Webinar Slides
1/18/24Canva Can Do It!This session will explore the many different ways that language teachers can use Canva to enhance their classes. Canva can also be integrated into many different LMS systems, and best all, Canva for Education allows teachers to access these tools for free. Canva Magic tools for AI will be reviewed, and teachers will come away with many examples of ideas and activities they can do with Canva in their language classes.Maureen Lamb
12/7/23GenAI PanelIn this insightful webinar, panelists will discuss the opportunities (e.g., enhance learning experiences, personalize learning) and challenges (e.g., ethical concerns, responsible usage) facing language educators from GenAI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Perplexity, and others. Dr. Giovanni Zimotti, Joe Dale, and Dr. Sarah Eaton
11/13/23Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence with the Regional Flagship Language Initiative Culture InitiativeIn this webinar, we will introduce online materials to teach intercultural communicative competence (ICC) developed at UW-Madison as part of the Regional Flagship Language Initiative - Culture Initiative (RFLI-CI). This includes Culture App scenarios (Anishchenkova, V., 2019) and supplemental resources for students and instructors of Hindi, Urdu, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Indonesian. Considerations for teaching culture and language with these materials will be discussed. Felecia Lucht and Deanna Clement, UW Madison
10/3/23AI Tools for the WL ClassroomMaximizing productivity is essential, and artificial intelligence is here to help language teachers! Discover how AI-powered tools can revolutionize the way you teach, save you valuable time, and enhance your effectiveness in the language classroom. Join us for this webinar to unlock the potential of AI to save time and enhance your impact on your students' language learning journey.Noemi Rodriguez
9/20/23VR, AI, and Tech, Oh My! Unleashing the Power of Technology for Languages for Specific PurposesLanguage learning for specific professional domains, such as healthcare, law, business, veterinary medicine, etc., requires specialized knowledge and effective training methods. In this webinar, we will explore how virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and other cutting-edge tech tools can revolutionize the way we teach (and learn) Languages for Specific Purposes.Alyssia Miller De Rutté
8/10/23iSpraak: A Free Pronunciation PlatformiSpraak is a free and open source online pronunciation platform designed for second language educators. This tool empowers learners to work on their pronunciation in 36 different languages by coupling rich audio models with real-time corrective feedback. This webinar will present a tour of the platform and offer some guidance for attendees wanting to create their own speech activities. This project is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the SLU Research Institute.Dan Nickolai
7/7/23Language Center Initiatives that Strategically Impact Teaching and Learning CommunitiesIn this webinar we will explore and discuss a wide range of initiatives and programming that can be undertaken in and by language centers. It is based on an article written by the presenter and currently found in the 2021 Language Center Handbook (https://iallt.org/resources/publications/). We will walk through the different examples, discuss their purposes, take suggestions for additional activities or initiatives, and explore the broad idea of strategic programming that benefits language centers in multiple ways.Cathy Baumann
6/1/23Making Generative AI Work for Language TeachersThis webinar will explore ten ways that Language teachers can use generative AI to help support their teaching. These will include lesson plans, resources, bibliographies, question generation, story writing, illustrations, and more. There will be a wide variety of Generative AI tools introduced and explored. Participants will come away with practical ways they can use generative AI in their classes.Maureen Lamb
Recording available on the FLT Magazine Website
5/17/23How Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Fosters Language and Intercultural SkillsIn our interconnected and interdependent world, students need to develop an intercultural view of global challenges and their local implications. Students also need the skills to deal with these challenges responsibly, creatively, and collectively.

"The world is our classroom; the sky is the limit": these metaphors describe the almost unlimited variety of possibilities for collaborative teaching and learning across geographic, cultural, and even subject boundaries. In this IALLT webinar, you will

- learn how COIL/VE enhances language learning at all levels
- hear about the benefits and limits of COIL/VE scenarios which have already been implemented in higher education language courses
- come into contact with other language instructors who are interested in developing COIL/VE scenarios
David Prickett, Frederic Matthé, Anna Nguyen
4/13/23Language and Technology at the Crossroads: Preview of the IALLT 2023 ConferenceIn this webinar, leaders of IALLT and members of the conference program committee will give more information about the IALLT 2023 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, including about the conference sessions, pre- and post-conference workshops, accommodations, conference site, and special events.Georges Detiveaux, Stacey Powell, Angelika Kraemer, Dan Nickolai
3/23/23Creating animated gifs to instruct and inspire in the languages classroomIn this session, Joe Dale will explore many ways in which animated gifs can be used to bring language learning to life, by reinforcing sentence structure, practising dialogues, modelling grammar use and giving personalised feedback. You will see how easy it is to produce your own mini-animations to embellish your presentations and connect with your learners.Joe Dale
3/6/23Meet The CandidatesIALLT’s webinar to introduce the candidates for the office of IALLT President-elect. We are delighted to welcome to this event Lauren Rosen (University of Wisconsin) and Jeff Samuels (World Languages 360), who have both generously agreed to stand as candidates for this important role. The webinar’s format will include short introductions by each candidate, some questions from the moderator, and then an opportunity for the IALLT community to participate in Q&A with both of them.Host: Andrew Ross, Past President, IALLT

Lauren Rosen (University of Wisconsin) and Jeff Samuels (World Languages 360)
2/15/23Integrating films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the language classroomThe presentation shows the use of films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the Spanish second language classroom and their integration in the language curriculum. Students in upper-level classes in U.S. and Colombia participate in weekly synchronous communications developing their intercultural and intracultural communication. The presenter will explain one virtual exchange project and will discuss several aspects of her teaching approach.Aurora Castillo-Scott, Georgia College & State University
1/6/2022Using amazing accessibility tools and Microsoft Teams Reading Progress to enhance language learningIn this webinar, I will show various ways to use Immersive Reader to help learners develop their listening and speaking skills. I will also demonstrate creative ways to use Dictate, Lens and the game changer Reading Progress.Jérôme Nogues
12/6/2022Advising in Language Learning: unlocking learners' potentialMany language learners, particularly those who may be studying on non-degree programs or even in an extracurricular mode, struggle to sustain their motivation for learning and to find an effective way to learn. Advising for language learning is offered in many self-access learning centers in Japan to support these students. In these sessions, a learner and an advisor engage in a dialogic reflective process to help the learner articulate their needs and goals, make a plan for learning and sustain their learning routine. In this webinar I will introduce a basic model of advising and suggest how it can be used in both language center and classroom environments.Katherine Thornton
11/10/22Moving 'towards' the Metaverse, and the implications for language teaching-What does the metaverse mean for us as language teachers or researchers and what is it?
-Is this really something new or a rebranding of another idea?
-What opportunities and/or drawbacks does the metaverse have for us and our students?

This presentation will begin with an examination of the fictional history of the metaverse, followed by technical innovations that led to our current stage of development, ranging from text-based creations, to 2D avatar-based environments, and on to low-immersion Virtual Worlds, all of which led to what many are (erroneously) calling the Metaverse today.
Dr. Randall Sadler (Ph.D), Associate Professor of Linguistics and Director of TESL and ESL at the University of Illinois.
10/10/22Developing an Advanced Vocabulary through Blended Learning ModulesLanguage learners have only a couple of years to master thousands of words as they [seek to] develop advanced language proficiency (ACTFL 2012) in an instructed learning setting. Learners thus need to learn vocabulary on their own outside of class with ample usage opportunities during instruction. In this webinar, we discuss principles of efficient vocabulary learning that focus on long-term word retention and the expansion of word knowledge (e.g., pronunciation, register, collocation). I will highlight which learning technologies can enhance language curricula and how.Susanne Rott (PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
9/20/22Connecting language learners through telecollaborationTelecollaboration gives learners opportunities to advance their language skills and intercultural competence through meaningful communication with native speakers or other learners of the language they are studying. This presentation showcases successful telecollaboration projects at different language levels and outlines the steps for setting up an exchange. We will discuss how to design effective tasks and how to adapt them for different proficiency levels, how to find partners and deal with time zones. Lastly, we will take a look at how students perceive different types of exchanges and what their preferences for telecollaboration are.Dr. Theresa Schenker serves as Language Program Director, DUS and Senior Lector II of German at Yale University. She received her PhD in German Studies from Michigan State University. Her research focuses on computer-assisted language learning and intercultural competence as well as study abroad. Her secondary research interests include the Afro-German experience. Dr. Schenker currently serves as software review editor for the CALICO journal and as co-editor of Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German.
7/20/22Digital Badging: Encouraging Students to Level Up with More LanguageIn this session the presenter will share how digital badging is being used to help inform students of their current level of proficiency in all four skills and encourage them to level up by taking additional courses. Participants will learn why and how the UW Collaborative Language Program began integrating digital badging for all language students, the use of Avant STAMP 4S to identify student proficiency levels, and plans to expand this implementation to additional languages and higher ed institutions.Lauren Rosen, University of Wisconsin
5/11/22Personalizing the Language Curriculum for InclusivityAdapting our curriculum to include our own resources and technologies allows for being more inclusive and equitable in regard to diversity, representation, and language choice. Although challenges to developing our own materials include the time commitment, students’ proficiency level, and culturally appropriate contexts in which to root our additions and changes, strategies to overcome these challenges are plentiful and will be shared.Hope Anderson
4/28/22Enabling transformative language learning experiencesProject-based language learning (PBLL) has the potential to result in transformative language learning experiences, which engage students with real-world issues through the construction of meaningful products that are shared with an audience beyond the instructional setting.
This presentation will provide an overview of two constructs that have complementary purposes: one identifies key features of high-quality PBLL design, and the other highlights key professional development areas that support high-quality PBLL implementation.
Using these constructs as reference, we will explore how projects can be designed to result in memorable language learning experiences, and how language centers can enable or support both their design and implementation through specific services and professional
Julio Rodriguez, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
3/7/2022Supporting Online Language Instruction: Strategies for Language CentersBased on their chapter with colleague Koen Van Gorp in the latest IALLT Language Center Handbook, presenters Luca Giupponi and Emily Heidrich Uebel will discuss a range of strategies for how language centers can support online language instruction, from least resource intensive to most resource intensive. They will also highlight some professional development opportunities available to language instructors. The audience will be encouraged to share their experiences with various strategies, including roadblocks, successes, and recommendations for others.Luca Giupponi and Emily Heidrich Uebel
2/22/2022Bridging the Gap: from Lower to Higher Reading SkillsThis session introduces how a world language teacher can use technology to assist and enhance reading accuracy and fluency, in order to improve reading comprehension skills. The presenter will share examples on how context-free and context-based reading fluency contribute to reading comprehension, and demonstrate how to use technology to support the outcome of the local text processing to access the meaning of a larger text. In addition, the presenter will demonstrate the digital books she created with Nanhai Publishing to help support students to improve reading in Mandarin and how interactive media is being used to increase students’ motivation to read, and bridge the gap between lower to higher reading skills.Dan Song
1/20/22The future is now: low-cost virtual exchange in the language classroomIn this webinar, the presenters will explain how Teletandem, a type of virtual exchange, can be integrated into the language classroom. They will discuss Teletandem’s principles of reciprocity, autonomy, and separation of languages and demonstrate how instructors can implement inexpensive telecollaborative tasks that support language learning and intercultural competence growth. The presenters will answer commonly asked questions about the implementation of teletandem and share outcomes from their recent research.Viviane Klen-Alves and Laura Rampazzo
12/7/21Roundtable on Language Placement and CredentialingPanelists will discuss successes and lessons learned in placement exams and credentialing at their institution, including: Cori Anderson (Rutgers University) will showcase the placement test that she has developed for her Russian program and the principles behind it. Hope Fitzgerald (UVA A&S Learning Design & Technology) will discuss recent shifts in student placement processes in multiple world language programs, including the use of in-house and commercial testing options. Claire Frances (University of Iowa) will talk about lessons learned from a pilot project with the Global Seal of Biliteracy.Hope Fitzgerald, Cori Anderson, and Claire Frances
11/11/21Easy to Make, Fun to Break; A Virtual "Escape The Room" GameIn this webinar, attendees will try first hand a game to "escape the room". After trying it as a player, attendees will go through a brief introduction to the history of the game, its types, goals, and benefits for language learning. The last part of the webinar is dedicated to exploring easy ways attendees can create their own Virtual "Escape the Room" Game for their classes.Sarab Al Ani, Yale University
10/26/21Language Center Nuts and Bolts: What Grad School Didn’t Prepare You ForIn this webinar, panelists will discuss some of the aspects of working in a language center that grad school may not have prepared you for, including money and budget, grant writing and management, facilities and equipment, dealing with administration, and supervising staff. Bring your ideas and experience to share as well!Cory Duclos, Julie Evershed, Angelika Kraemer, Jonathan Perkins
10/13/21IALLT Social: Games ExplorationsCome play games with us! Connect with IALLT colleagues to play and debrief games that work great both online and in person! The games we will be playing are: Come Dice With Me, Forbidden Desert, For the Queen, and FunEmployed! Particularly adventurous participants are welcome to bring their own games that they are itching to play. The purpose of this session is as much to recharge via games with colleagues as it is to explore possible activities and frameworks for your classes.Phill Cameron, Nathalie Ettzevoglou, Philomena Meechan, Mia Li
9/30/21Looking Forward: Language Teaching and Technology Post-PandemicIn this webinar, panelists will discuss the changes that they see coming in the language teaching and technology field as a result of COVID-19 remote teaching. Panelists will answer questions and encourage a discussion among participants.Dan Nickolai, Andrew Ross, and Edwige Simon
8/10/21IALLT's 2nd UNwebinar!By request, IALLT will host an un-webinar, after the tradition of the un-conference. The webinar agenda and content will be determined by the participants. Bring your ideas for topics related to technology and language teaching and learning to discuss with your fellow colleagues and we will vote on them. The most popular topics will be opened up as discussions.Shannon Spasova, Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, and Florencia Henshaw
7/27/21Pressbooks for Dynamic Language Teaching Materials and Open Educational ResourcesIn this webinar, the presenters will showcase Pressbooks for language teaching. Pressbooks is a platform based on WordPress and well-known for hosting open online textbooks, and with the inclusion of tools like H5P and Hypothesis, Pressbooks can become a powerful tool for dynamic materials for language classes and Open Educational Resources (OERs). The presenters will show examples from intermediate and advanced materials for learners of Russian.Anna Tumarkin, University of Wisconsin, and Shannon Donnally Spasova, Michigan State University
5/26/21Doing Extracurricular Language Activities Online: A RoundtablePlease join us for our May webinar, which will be a roundtable discussion about online extracurricular activities for language courses. We have three panelists who will get us started: Trish Nolde, who will discuss lessons learned from online tutoring, Shannon Spasova, who will outline the online crafting session that she hosted on Zoom, and Carmen Granda, who will discuss how to reimagine extracurricular activities and use Instagram to build an online community. Bring your experiences as well, because we will ask YOU to chime in with what has and hasn’t worked for your classes or language center in doing extracurricular activities online.Trish Nolde, Carmen Grande, and Shannon Spasova
4/14/21Morocco to Dubai: Engagement and Immersion with Virtual RealityExplore the benefits of learning world languages through Virtual Reality. Drawing on the original work of Harvard University Professor Nicole Mills, this presentation will demonstrate how instructors can lead students through virtual visits to far-away cities using inexpensive and readily available technologies. By enabling students to encounter daily life in the Middle Eastern countries, virtual reality provides a learning experience with important social and cultural benefits. Sample speaking, listening, reading, and writing assessment tasks in Arabic will be showcased and discussed.Mimi Melkonian
3/24/21A Preview of IALLT 2021: Resilience, Transformation, and Beyond
View the webinar recording
Please join the IALLT 2021 planning team for a preview of the upcoming conference and special opportunities that await our attendees at IALLT’s first virtual conference, June 16-18. The 2021 conference theme is: Resilience, Transformation, and Beyond. Resilience has been indispensable in overcoming extreme challenges in the past academic year. The move to the online/remote teaching environment has forced us to carefully examine what we do, how we do it, and most importantly why we do it. This leads us to an interesting future, examining how these challenges guide us to transform our teaching, our professional networks, and ourselves. Get a sneak peek from our keynote, Dr. Jo Mynard, Professor, Director of the Self Access Learning Center (SALC), and Director of the Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education (RILAE) at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan. The presenters will discuss conference themes and undercurrents, outline the opportunities that will be available for attendees, and offer tips and advice about making the most of your experience. There will be ample time for Q and A. The 2021 IALLT conference will be free for all IALLT members.Julie Evershed, Jeff Magoto
2/18/21Creating Flexible and Engaging Online Learning EnvironmentsThe systematic incorporation of digital technologies as part of our instructional strategy can enhance each step of class design, allowing a multi-sensory learning process, and consequently, engagement.
In this presentation, we will explore some design strategies to integrate the UDL framework into the foreign language classroom. We will also explore some tools including Sutori and Pearltrees that can help us move beyond content delivery. They can provide students with an active learning environment that focuses on reflection, collaboration, creation, digital fluency, and communicative competence.
Mariam Manzur
1/21/21Digital Spelunking: Tools for the World Language ClassroomWe’re digging down deep into the digital caves to unearth some great tools for the language classroom. Our promise…from this session you’ll discover a gem you hadn’t found yet and something you can immediately use in your course.Loreen Sullivan, Andover Phillips Academy
12/14/20IALLT's first Un-Webinar!By request, IALLT will host an un-webinar, after the tradition of the un-conference. The webinar agenda and content will be determined by the participants. Bring your ideas for topics related to technology and language teaching and learning to discuss with your fellow colleagues and we will vote on them. The most popular topics will be opened up as discussions in breakout rooms.Hosted by Shannon Donnally Spasova and Florencia Henshaw
11/12/20Marginal Improvements: Using Annotative Software for Second-Language ReadingAnnotative software can give instructors the chance to engage in pre-reading activities with students outside of class. This webinar will explore the use of Hypothes.is (one of many such programs) to facilitate reading in the second-language classroom. We will discuss how the program can be used at multiple levels and how it can help provide equal access during pandemic teaching and beyond.Cory Duclos, Colgate College
10/29/20Counter-narratives as Resistance: Social Justice in the WL Classroom
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Language teachers are in a unique position to have linguistic and cultural diversity as fundamental components of our classes. However, when students come with beliefs that may be grounded in ill-informed and/or oppressive ideologies, how can teachers best navigate the conversation? This webinar will offer examples of how to add a social justice lens to commonly taught units and use counter-narratives to inform students’ perspectives.

This webinar will also kick off an IALLT reading group that will use annotation tools to engage in discussion about an article on the topic of social justice and language teaching and learning.
LJ Randolph and Stephanie Madison
9/18/20Stepping up to Online Teaching: Insights into an Online Intensive Summer Language Program

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The SDSU Language Acquisition Resource Center has been offering face-to-face summer intensive language classes in Arabic, Persian-Farsi, Portuguese, and Russian for over 10 years as part of a Department of Defense funded Project Global Officer (GO) ROTC scholarship program, and these classes are also open to non-ROTC students and community members. Six-weeks prior to the start of the 2020 summer program, the SDSU-LARC leadership made the prompt decision to transition all 16 language courses (Four languages - 101, 102, 201, 202 levels) and the upper-division Portuguese study abroad program to an online/virtual format. In this webinar the SDSU summer language program coordinator will describe the SDSU summer intensive language program, student population, proficiency goals, and six-week development process to online instruction. The program instructors will provide first-hand insight into some of their successes, challenges, and minor failures in regards to synchronous instructions, synchronous and asynchronous activities, and assessments during the online intensive summer program. While an intensive language program format is not the norm for most language programs, we hope the instructor experience will shed light into actual classroom delivery and student performance in an online format. Evan Rubin, Shahnaz Ahmadeian (Persian), Ghassan Zakaria (Arabic), Olya Sukhanova (Russian), Larissa Bougleux (Portuguese), SDSU Language Acquisition Resource Center
8/20/20 Cancelled Get Yourself Published! Share Your Experiences and Write for the FLTMAGWould you like to get published? Some members of the Editorial Board of the FLTMAG will present about how to publish in the FLTMAG. We seek submissions focused on language learning and technology from a practical point of view. We welcome submissions from K-12 teachers, graduate students, practitioners, and others. We will talk about the submission process and types of pieces that we accept. We will also talk about new directions of the FLTMAG and solicit ideas from participants about the journal.Shannon Spasova and Molly Godwin-Jones
8/13/20Online translators: How do we deal with the elephant in the (virtual) classroom?Google Translate, online dictionaries, and similar electronic tools are becoming even more of a hot topic now that more of our language classes are being transitioned to hybrid or online instruction. Previous research has already found that more than four out of five students use online translators for on-ground classes, even when it's prohibited. Methods to prevent unauthorized use of tools (e.g. lock-down browsers) for courses delivered online are usually rather easy to circumvent. In this webinar, I will discuss the results of my recent survey of online students and instructors that explored usage, attitudes, and course policies for web- and app-based language tools. I'll also share suggestions for rubrics and training that instructors can implement to help students to use (or not use) translators and other tools in different contexts.Errol O'Neill, University of Memphis
7/29/20Online, Hybrid, Hyflex, and High Stress: Preparing for Fall 2020In this webinar, panelists will discuss some of the formats that universities will be operating under in fall of 2020, including in-person instruction with social distancing, hybrid formats, hyflex formats, and online learning. Panelists will present briefly about what has worked well for them in the past and how they are planning to prepare for the fall. Then panelists will address questions that were posed in the registration form or during the webinar. Finally, all participants will be invited to participate in a breakout session about one of the formats planned for the fall based on their interest. Please come prepared to offer your ideas and help lower the stress in our language teaching community!Noah McLaughlin (Kennesaw State University), Florencia Henshaw (University of Illinois), Kevin Gaugler (Marist College)
7/10/20Providing Leadership in World Language Education: Now More Than Ever!"The past few months have radically changed education in our country and around the world, and we all face an uncertain fall. Now more than ever, focused and supportive leadership in world language education will make a difference for teachers and students. This webinar will look at important elements of program leadership (including teacher goal-setting, evaluation, advocacy, and strategic planning) and discuss how they can be applied in our current virtual or hybrid educational context.
Catherine is a former French and Spanish teacher and Director of World Languages, 6-12, and is currently a Clinical Asst Professor and Program Director for Modern Foreign Language Education and Curriculum & Teaching at the Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. She is the author of the forthcoming book, “Leading Your World Language Program: Strategies for Design and Supervision, Even if You Don’t Speak the Language!” (Routledge, 2020)"
Catherine Ritz, Boston University
6/24/20Are discussion forums really interactive? Ideas for purposeful asynchronous communication
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Discussion boards are the quintessential tool for asynchronous communication in online environments. However, typical forum posts resemble individual writing assignments followed by an obligatory and oftentimes vague response component, involving “at least two classmates who don’t have any replies yet.” In this webinar, I propose a different way of approaching asynchronous communication assignments, which aligns more closely with our goal of helping students to develop communicative ability in the target language. I will share several examples and ideas for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners, as well as some tips to minimize cheating.Florencia Henshaw, University of Illinois
5/7/20Culpeper Games: Video Games Teaching Languages and CulturesThe Culpeper Language Learning Center at Gustavus Adolphus College has begun developing video games to help teach languages and cultures. This webinar will give demos and overviews of our games, which represent multiple genres. Additionally, the design and development process will be discussed, along with tools used.Jeremy Robinson, Gustavus Adolphus College
3/31/20Don't Panic! You Probably Won't Screw This Up That Bad! Perspectives on Remote Teaching From K-12 Language Teachers
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Nathalie Ettzevoglou, French teacher (high school), Erin Sunday, Spanish teacher (middle and high school), Michael Vo, French literacy, math, science (dual immersion and general education)
3/24/20Your Burning Questions about Remote Language Teaching
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Angelika Kraemer (Cornell University), Georges Detiveaux (University of Houston-Downtown) and Trish Nolde (Georgia State University) will field your burning questions about remote language teaching in this Q&A format. The community will be invited to contribute suggestions for each other as well.Angelika Kraemer (Cornell University), Georges Detiveaux (University of Houston-Downtown) and Trish Nolde (Georgia State University)
3/18/20What to expect from the unexpected…
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Now is not the time to forget to breathe. Let’s all put on our oxygen masks first before helping others. Our students are as stressed and scared as we are about their ability to succeed in this environment. This webinar will discuss setting reasonable expectations for what we as instructors can do to prepare our students. We will look at options for opening two-way lines of communication, making sure that we are keeping our students engaged daily without their physical presence, and providing multiple means of learning and assessing where students are without having to learn 100 new tools by tomorrow. Ample time will also be provided for Q&A so we can make sure to address what participants need most now and in the coming weeks.Lauren Rosen, University of Wisconsin
3/10/20Prepping in the Language Class: Instructional Contingency Planning for Emergency Situations
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Both higher education and K-12 institutions are being asked to formulate contingency plans in the event of a widespread COVID-19 outbreak. A major emphasis is being placed on the conversion of face-to-face classes to online delivery of instruction, should the situation require temporary campus closures. This panel discussion will address critical questions to consider as you create and communicate your contingency plans for language classes and learning centers, as well as discuss a range of solutions that may be adapted to your unique learning environment. Time for questions by the audience will be provided.Georges Detiveaux, Trish Nolde, Marlene Johnshoy
2/11/20Dazzling Showcase of Language Resource Centers!Three Language Resource Center Directors (Tom Garbelotti - UCLA, Felix Kronenberg - Michigan State University, and Jean Janecki - Mount Holyoke College) will showcase highlights of their centers and lead a discussion about language centers and their role in higher education.Tom Garbelotti (UCLA), Jean Janecki (Mount Holyoke College), Felix Kronenberg (Michigan State)
1/16/20Best Practices for Collaboration between Support Staff and Faculty
PPT Presentation Link
Instructional designers are becoming more common in education in recent years, and many language centers or IT units employ instructional designers or support staff in similar roles. Collaboration between these support staff and faculty or subject matter experts is integral for successful curriculum innovation, but comes with unique challenges. The presenters of this webinar will outline best practices for these collaborations to ensure a successful process and end product.Carly Lesoski, Erica DeSousa, Wayne State University and Michigan Virtual School
12/12/19H5P and ANVILL: Looking Forward to 20/20Jessica Miller (Professor of French, UW-Eau Claire) has been using the free version of H5P for a year in two intermediate-level French classes. She will show her favorite types of H5P activities, how they integrate to Canvas (the UW-system LMS as of Fall 2019), and share the pros and cons of her experience so far.

Shannon Spasova (Michigan State) will showcase some of the most recent and unique H5P activity types like Branching Scenario, Interactive Book, Advanced Fill-in-the Blanks, Speak the Words, and Dictation.

The H5P suite of content types has simultaneously delighted and frustrated language teachers. Jeff Magoto (University of Oregon) will discuss how the latest version of ANVILL has been designed to amplify the enthusiasm and minimize the hand-wringing. Here are some of its key features: easy creation of complex lessons, a built in streaming media engine so not only does it handle all types of audio and video but it allows for them to be used in many new places, LTI compatibility so that it works inside of your favorite LMS, detailed analytics which track how and what your students are doing, and a mobile app, which makes speech so much easier to create and respond to.
Shannon Spasova, Michigan State, Jessica Miller, University of Wisconsin, Jeff Magoto, University of Oregon
11/14/19Engagement and Immersion in Virtual Reality NarrativesThis webinar will describe a Paris Narrative Virtual reality (VR) project in which four Parisians from different backgrounds recorded their personal, social, and professional lives with a VR camera. Each Parisian VR narrative allows language learners to vividly experience Parisian life in visual, auditory, and sensory modalities. The webinar will showcase how this deeply contextualized and culturally immersive platform and its accompanying teaching materials target the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social dimensions of engagement (Philp & Duquesne, 2016).Nicole Mills, Harvard University
10/17/19Language Learning through Interactive FictionThis webinar will explore the use of interactive fiction for second language learning. To begin, we will define this genre of story/game. Next, The Interactive Fiction for Second Language Learners Collection will be showcased. This is a collection of stories we have been developing, in a number of languages, aimed at second language learners. Following the showcase, Twine, an open source interactive fiction development tool will be demoed. Finally, ideas for using and creating interactive fiction in language courses will be discussed.Jeremy Robinson, Gustavus Adolphus College
9/26/19Cross Cultural Communities through the Digital Dialect ArchiveAs part of an interdisciplinary team-teaching project that explored new ways of using drama in language classes, students from diverse backgrounds came together to work on a mutually beneficial project involving the International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA). English language learners at universities in the United States are often isolated from their American counterparts and aren’t provided enough opportunities for meaningful connections. This project aimed to foster intercultural communities, to offer English language learners authentic opportunities for language use, and to provide acting students the chance to study culture and dialect hand-in-hand. Acting students must learn to perform dialects authentically, which requires the ability to gather and analyze source material, and to learn about the cultural context of dialects. These drama students were trained in a dialect collection and analysis technique and then assigned partners from English language classes. Using readily available hardware and free software, they recorded, analyzed, and transcribed these conversations. The resulting data has been published online to IDEA. This is a process that can be replicated even in the absence of drama students.Deric McNish (Michigan State University) and Carmela Romano Gillette (University of Michigan)
8/15/19LRC Events: What Works?If you are planning your 2019-20 Language Center events calendar, this webinar is for you. This interactive session introduces language and culture activities that have successfully engaged learners at two large university language centers. Participants will have ample time to share “nailed and failed” experiences from their own centers, so that all can benefit from the wealth of creativity in the IALLT community.Hope Fitzgerald (University of Virginia) and Tony Brinckwirth (Virginia Commonwealth University)
7/16/19Building the Research Community of the LRCThe LRC at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee makes efforts to build a research community that consists of both language students and faculty. The webinar will present some examples of our research projects and discuss how to secure necessary research funds.Mingyu Sun, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
6/4/19Engaging learners online and on-groundWhat does engagement look like across learning spaces? How do we measure and sustain engagement in traditional face-to-face language classes as well as online courses? This session explores the concept of “engagement” and offers insight into research-based techniques that engage language learners. The presenter will offer examples from his own teaching.Bobby Hobgood, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
5/14/19Automatic Speech Recognition in World LanguagesAutomatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies have been around for quite some time, but until recently they were largely proprietary, complicated, and either minimally useful or expensive. However, the past few years have seen a watershed in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies like ASR, and their adoption in everyday technologies like smartphones and standalone “assistant” devices like Alexa and Google Home are rapidly making the tech not only more useful, but also more commonplace. This webinar will examine the role of automated speech recognition (ASR) technology as it relates to the instruction and learning of world languages. We will explore current commercial and no-cost offerings, as well as some emergent CALL research that advocates for the integration of ASR tools as part of the language curriculum.Dan Nickolai (St. Louis University) and Johnathon Beals (University of Michigan)
4/11/19A Preview of IALLT 2019: Crafting Communities of LearnersPlease join the IALLT 2019 planning team for a preview of the upcoming conference and special opportunities that await our attendees, June 19-22 in Eugene, Oregon. With presentations focused on the nexus of language, technology, and pedagogy, hands-on workshops that explore everything from green screening to glass fusing) and keynote addresses by some of the most prominent leaders of our field, this biannual event is not-to-be missed. Eugene is an ideal location for a beginning-of the summer conference and perhaps vacation. Complementing the academic themes of the conference are excursions that will let you taste the culinary and beverage bounty of Oregon's Willamette Valley. The presenters will discuss conference themes and undercurrents, offer tips and advice about making the most of your experience, and allow ample time for Q an A.Trish Nolde (Georgia State U.), Stacey Powell (Auburn U.) and Jeff Magoto (U. of Oregon)

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3/21/19Incorporating corpora into language teachingData-Driven Learning (DDL), or teaching and learning languages with the help of corpora (large electronic collections of texts), has been shown to be effective and efficient in instructed second language acquisition. Nevertheless, it is still far from becoming a common pedagogical practice. In my presentation, I will discuss how corpora can be used as Open Educational Resources (OER) and exemplify it with a case of implementing DDL in German language courses at the University of Kansas.Nina Vyatkina, University of Kansas
2/4/19Virtual reality in the language classroom: Principles and practicesMany instructors have likely heard of Quizlet as a free app for online flashcards; however, what may be less clear is how to effectively incorporate Quizlet’s various functions into the foreign language classroom. While Quizlet Live offers obvious classroom applications, there are other ways to help students learn to use Quizlet that will not only help with vocabulary acquisition, but also potentially improve pronunciation, increase independent study and critical thinking skills, and help foster a sense of community among class members. This webinar will offer some suggestions of untraditional ways to use Quizlet in a foreign language classroom.Margherita Berti, University of Arizona
2/4/19Meet the IALLT Candidates WebinarNAFacilitator: Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, Election chair
1/28/19Vocab Learning and Beyond: Using Quizlet in the FL ClassroomMany instructors have likely heard of Quizlet as a free app for online flashcards; however, what may be less clear is how to effectively incorporate Quizlet’s various functions into the foreign language classroom. While Quizlet Live offers obvious classroom applications, there are other ways to help students learn to use Quizlet that will not only help with vocabulary acquisition, but also potentially improve pronunciation, increase independent study and critical thinking skills, and help foster a sense of community among class members. This webinar will offer some suggestions of untraditional ways to use Quizlet in a foreign language classroom.Molly Godwin-Jones, University of Kansas
12/12/18Differentiating with SeeSawIn this webinar, I will highlight how data collected on some of my favorite gaming tools such as GimKit, Quizalize, Quizizz can be used to differentiate lesson plans. In combination with SeeSaw, an amazing multi-faceted tool, teachers can scaffold activities to push student to the next proficiency levels in speaking and writing. Participants will be shown the how-to's for each tool presented and will be encouraged to create activities to use in their classrooms.Nathalie Ettzevoglou
11/28/18A Tiered Approach to AssessmentUCLA language programs have begun to use a tiered approach to assessment, where assessment is considered more as a overall package than just a specific individual activity. By matching smaller “micro” assessments directly against a specific learning objective or outcome, students work can be assessed in a clear, formative manner. Later, these “micro” assessments are combined with others to create a full summative assessment of the student.Tom Garbelotti, UCLA
10/25/18Is Handwriting Dead? The Case for Digital Tools for Writing in the Language ClassroomThis webinar discusses changing trends in handwriting practices in the language classrooms with the advent of LMS and Google input tools. Join the discussion on (date and time) to see how instructors can adopt new tools to simulate the handwriting process in their beginner level classes to help to help learners gain proficiency in a foreign language.Ritu Jayakar, Penn State
9/14/18Let's Chat!: A Model for Proficiency-Based Conversation Labs and Task-based, OER Activities In this webinar, the presenter will discuss the conversation lab model used at Boise State and the resulting OER project that will make the activities available to other universities, community colleges, and K-12 institutions. Over 400 interpersonal speaking activities (proficiency levels ranging from Novice to Advanced) have been developed for six different languages, with more to come.Amber Hoye, Boise State
8/17/18Virtual Reality in the Language Classroom: Student-Created VR PanoramasIn this webinar, Trent will present a classroom project where students used mobile VR technology (Google Cardboard and Cardboard Camera) to create, share, and narrate immersive snapshots of their lives.Trent Hoy, U of Colorado
6/21/18Language Resource Centers and Living-Learning CommunitiesIn this interactive session, we will explore ideas for language centers collaborating with other centers across your school campus in ways that improve access to and support for language study. This collaboration can be from sharing resources and co-hosting events and professional development, to physically merging centers. The presenter will share how her center moved to a student residence hall to be part of a larger living-learning community.Bridget Yaden, Pacific Lutheran University
5/21/18Three Tools to Capture, Share, and InteractJoin two ACTFL national language teachers of the year as they share three tools they have used to capture student voices and other artifacts of their proficiency and to share and interact with people around the world.Nicole Naditz and Christine Lanphere, ACTFL National Language Teachers of the Year
4/26/18Using Voicethread to Engage Intermediate and Advanced Students in the Language ClassroomThis webinar will discuss how to use the web-based platform VoiceThread for technology projects in the intermediate and advanced language classroom. A number of samples on topics like “Tourism”, “Migration” and “Environmental Consciousness” from a third year German course will be presented. The samples are in German, but will be described and discussed in English.Saskia Hintz, UC Boulder
3/27/18"The Core of a Successful Language Center: Hire, Train, and
Develop Stellar Staff"
No language center can successfully serve its users without qualified and dedicated staff members. In many cases, student staff are essential in the daily tasks that keep the center running smoothly. Therefore, it is necessary that these students be of high quality, well-trained, and motivated. This webinar will provide tools and methods to help improve the process of hiring, training and developing your student staff to make them an integrated part of your successful center.Jean Janecki, Mount Holyoke College
2/27/18Affect-aware Technologies: The Dawn of a New Age for CALL?2017 saw the integration of facial recognition in many popular devices and an ever-increasing number of free and paid apps involving emotion-detection.  Are these simply fancy, entertaining features and apps or will this technology prove to be the key component of “intelligent"" apps in computer-assisted language learning?
This webinar is for educators, researchers, developers and administrators interested in:
1) Learning how facial recognition is being used to learn more about a student’s attention, engagement and sentiment at particular moments in order to regulate and adjust the pace or content of learning materials.
2) Seeing illustrations of a number of available tools and apps
3) Hearing a brief review of relevant research and educators’ previous experiences to enable a more informed and analytical approach to the selection and use of emotion-detection technologies.
Our discussion will allow us to reflect together upon some of the challenges and issues the use of such technology invites
Karen Price
1/24/18The (Ir)relevance of Language Resource Centers in Today's Technological and Methodological Climate: Situating Relevance Within Three Specific ParadigmsIn this webinar, I summarize a few key findings from my recent dissertation: Form, Function, and Relevance of Contemporary Language Resource Centers. First, I will provide a brief overview of the study in general and then open the floor for discussion regarding the (ir)relevance of language resource centers (LRCs) in today’s technological and methodological climate. Following that discussion, I will offer three paradigms that emerged from the data analysis as a potential framework for discussing the relationship between language centers and the broader field of foreign language education. Implications of these findings will be offered both for those working within and with LRCs.Paul Sebastian, Appalachian State University
12/14/17Open to Change: Strategies for Finding, Utilizing, and
Creating Open Media Content for Language Courses
There is general agreement that authentic media are useful, if not essential to learning a foreign language. One of the more imposing tasks for instructors, however, is locating appropriate visual and audio materials for use in our courses. While the internet abounds with pictures, drawings, songs, feature films, television shows, documentaries, and commercials in foreign languages, making them available for student use is often hampered by copyright restrictions. These issues are compounded for authors of textbooks, especially open educational resources, where copyright concerns are often an impediment to the successful deployment of such materials to a wider audience.

This webinar will focus on tools and practices to best utilize openly licensed media for language courses, especially open language curricula. I will begin by discussing some of the concerns regarding the use of closed vs. open material, as well as surveying some of the most commonly used open licenses under which videos are available. I will then focus on topics such as finding, adapting, and delivering open content to students. Throughout the workshop I will argue that open resources can not only meet the needs typically met by closed content, but are frequently superior in quality. A portion of the workshop will include a demonstration of several of these techniques, so that participants will be able to implement these strategies for their own classes.
Christian Hilchey, U of Texas-Austin

1. Thinking Open Handout

2. Open to Change Handout
11/7/17Talking Abroad: Web-based Videoconferencing with Native SpeakersThis webinar is for educators interested in integrating authentic synchronous communication with native speakers worldwide through web-based video-chat. I will start with an overview of existing research, as well as the advantages and limitations of different available platforms, both free and paid. I will then discuss a specific multi-step project in an intermediate-level Spanish course, involving four conversations with native speakers through the platform TalkAbroad. I will also present the results of a questionnaire administered at the end of the project, reflecting the students’ perceptions of the experience. Preliminary implications for best practices are drawn based on students’ responses.Florencia Henshaw, University of Illinois
10/17/17Post-secondary administrative perspectives on technology-mediated language learningPerspectives on language and technology projects: a liberal arts dean (and language professor) and a chief information officer share their thoughts about collaborative opportunities and strategies to meet challenges in the context of post-secondary foreign language education.Benjamin Rifkin, Hofstra, and Keith Mac McIntosh, University of Richmond
9/20/17Changing Roles: Impacting the Language Learning Narrative on CampusUniversities are increasingly deciding to drop language courses from graduation requirements. As a consequence, language departments are left with the responsibility of recruiting students and advocating for the benefits of language learning. In response to this need, the Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) at Michigan State University developed a print, event, and social media marketing campaign designed to impact the language learning narrative on campus by focusing on the emotional/experiential benefits of learning a new language rather than on the traditionally recognized benefits (cognitive, social, instrumental). The approach was based on data gathered through extensive students interviews, which allowed the campaign to speak to a real student need, and resulted in an ongoing social media and print campaign, a regularly updated website, and a series of student-led events.Angelika Kraemer and Luca Giupponi, MSU
8/17/17Empowering Teachers to Author Their Own Materials: ANVILL, H5P, and BeyondIn this webinar, we will examine the question of what inspires faculty members to innovate with their own course materials. The presenters will share examples of two tools, ANVILL and H5P, and what features of those tools might help interest faculty in creating personalized materials. WEBINAR PREQUELS/SEQUELS VIDEO RECORDINGSJeff Magoto, University of Oregon and Shannon Spasova, Michigan State University
7/12/17Automated and intelligent tools in the language classroomThis webinar will present a number of existing and emerging automated and intelligent tools and resources that present great potential for language learning and teaching. These tools present us with new opportunities as well as expectations. Some of these tools may not have obvious applications while others are designed specifically for language instruction. The presenter will discuss trends among these tools and how they may change in the near future. Suggestions for curricular implantation, as well as teacher preparation, will be discussed.Greg Kessler, Ohio University
6/1/2017Curriculum-centered Language Placement TestingThis webinar will explore the advantages of using a curriculum-based proficiency exam for the purposes of language placement. In addition, the SLUPE authoring tool will be demonstrated as one potential approach to constructing a free web-based assessment.Dan Nickolai, St. Louis University
5/18/2017Let’s Play: Gamifying Language LessonsThis webinar will explore how to enhance the pleasure of language learning by transforming lessons into color-coded pattern recognition games. By using "Picky Birds," a Chinese tone training app game developed by the presenter's interdisciplinary team as an example, we will discuss the game design concept and its applicability to other languages (including literary languages) as well as to other formats. The main objective of this webinar is to explore how to communicate foreign and abstract concepts of grammar, both linguistic and cultural, to learners by helping them to create and solidify a mental picture of those concepts through a satisfying and memorable gaming experience. LinkCatherine Ryu, Michigan State University
4/12/17Language Learning in Networks: Tools and Frameworks for Open Language LearningNetworks are all around us. Our classrooms are small, transient, networks of learners, but we don't have to limit ourselves (and our learners) to the networks that exist in our classroom. Using technologies which allow us to network, open learning tools and resources, and fellow language learners around the globe, we can enrich our language classrooms, and the classrooms of our colleagues in other places. In this session we will discuss networks and digital citizenship, how it is relevant in the language classroom, and what types of tools can be used to enable language learners to gain a glimpse into the emic perspective of the language and culture they are learning.Apostolos Koutropoulos, University of Massachusetts-Boston
3/7/17Borderless Classrooms?: Virtual Exchanges for Language and Culture CoursesTelecollaboration tools can foster global engagement and authentic communicative contexts by putting students in direct contact with representatives of other cultures and languages. While the potential of such connections to enhance student motivation, language proficiency, and intercultural competence seems great, the startup and class-to-class costs can be daunting. In this webinar, we will draw on recent projects at Connecticut College to reflect on the benefits and challenges of virtual exchanges, and share our emerging inventory of best practices. The session will also consider how to find appropriate partners and to foster productive reciprocal relationships.Laura Little, Connecticut College
2/16/2017Gain Time and Differentiate with a Flipped Learning ApproachFrustrated that you never get to those interactive communicative activities at the end of your lesson plan? Struggling to figure out how to differentiate for specific student needs? Consider flipping your lessons and gain the time you are missing to help all your students to reach their potential. In this webinar you will learn what flipping lessons really means in a language learning context, view a variety of lesson examples, learn from the data gathered in Russian and Japanese classes how well this works, and leave with the techniques and technology knowledge to start building your own flipped lessons.Lauren Rosen, University of Wisconsin
1/12/2017Bringing it Back: Using study abroad experiences to bring intercultural communicative competence (ICC) into U.S. classroomsAuthentic materials are key to supporting intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in our classrooms. A recent study abroad experience to Chile afforded the opportunity to create culturally relevant videos in Spanish. Participants who teach Spanish will be given access to these videos for use in their classrooms, as well as instructional materials to support their use in promoting intercultural communicative competence in their classrooms. Instructors of other languages will hear about how they can use future study abroad opportunities to develop similar materials. Participants will be asked for feedback on the ideas, videos, and instructional materials provided, in order for the researchers to make improvements to future iterations.Amanda Romjue, Applachian State University
12/13/16Integrating Google Translate to Support Language Acquisition for All Second Language LearnersAlmost all second language (L2) students admit to using online translators at some point (Jolley & Maimone, 2015) and almost all language departments prohibit students using translators, such as Google Translate (Clifford, Merschel, & Munné, 2013; Knowles, 2016). Second language students persist in using online translators despite overt policies by their institutions to the contrary. This workshop will outline the reasons students use online translators, the advantages of an integration approach to online translators, and the benefits and limitations of using Google Translate in the L2 classroom. The presenter will also outline practical methods and approaches for incorporating this tool that supports language acquisition and academic integrity at all levels of language learning.Claire Knowles, University of Memphis
10/18/2016Promoting Student Engagement in a Hybrid Language CourseThis webinar will explore a hybrid model (face-to-face/online learning) as a method of promoting student engagement in L2 courses. General course design principles will be explored, focusing on two specific classroom activities -- discussions and student-produced videos – as well as relevant assessments. The presenters will also provide student feedback on the activities and overall course design.Stacey Johnson, Vanderbilt University and Berta Carrasco, Hope College
9/6/2016Occupied Paris: Creating Historical Simulation for Foreign Language LearningSeveral time periods during the Nazi-occupied Paris are studied using an instructor-created role-playing game (RPG) where upper-division French students take on fictional identities. Underlying this virtual world is an ARIS game where design mechanics scaffold student learning. ARIS is an open-source authoring environment for mobile games, data gathering and interactive story-telling. The presentation will: (1) present the pedagogical choices made in creating the game based on underlying theories of learning, gaming, foreign language acquisition, and moral/ethical development in young adults; (2) demonstrate game play and discuss student reactions in pilot-test groups and (3) give a brief demonstration of the open-source authoring tool, ARIS (www.arisgames.org)Terri Nelson, California State University, San Bernadino
8/11/16Film Clips in the F.L. CurriculumIn this webinar we will discuss a variety of ways that film clips cut from feature films can be used in the foreign language curriculum, contrasting feature film to "talking heads" video, on the one hand, and literary texts on the other. We will examine through homework assignments and classroom tasks how film clips might be used to develop students' linguistic, cultural, and symbolic competencies, as well as the development of their visual literacy. Finally, we will introduce the BLC's Library of Film Clips, a free resource of 17,000 clips in 25 languages, tagged for cultural and linguistic content.Mark Kaiser, UC Berkeley