Success Stories in the 21st Century Foreign Language Class: Transforming Teaching & Learning with Technology, University of Colorado – Boulder, April 13-14, 2012

Keynotes (50 minutes + 10 minute Q&A)

  • Mills, Kathy (Queensland University of Technology). Multimodality, Media, & Access to Multiliteracies
  • Thorne, Steve (Portland State University & the University of Groningen). Education in Late Modernity

Panel Discussions (50 minutes + 10 minute Q&A)

  • Detiveaux, Georges (Lone Star College-CyFair), Courtney Fell (UC-Boulder), Hajime Kumahata (Rice University), Anna Love (Forth Smith Public Schools), & Edwige Simon (UC-Boulder). Emerging Technologies Panel Discussion: Mobile Devices in the Language Classroom

Workshops (50 minutes + 10 minute Q&A)

  • Camacho, Alison (Georgia State University). Engaging Technological Tools in the Second Language Writing Class
  • Kueffner, Paul (Cider Mill School, CT). PowerPoint Communications
  • Love, Anna (Fort Smith Public Schools, AR). Apps for Language Teachers
  • Love, Anna (Fort Smith Public Schools, AR). Latest & Greatest in Free Tech Tools
  • Rings, Lana (University of Texas at Arlington). Web Media: Encouraging Contemplative Reflection on Course Topics
  • Schein, Marie (Texas Christian University). Reading and Writing Better Through Blogging and Synchronous Co-Authoring
  • Simon, Edwige (UC-Boulder) & Courtney Fell (UC-Boulder). Annotating Video with YouTube
  • Stapleton, Helen (Sewanee: University of the South).  Increasing Student Talking Time with Audio Dropbox
  • Uribe, Amy (Lone Star College-CyFair). Activities to Increase Student Engagement
  • Withee, Sarah (Colorado College). Using an Interactive Whiteboard for Communicative Language Teaching

Presentations (20 minutes + 10 minute Q&A)

  • Ahikpa, James (Southern Illinois University Carbondale). The Effectiveness of Still vs. Animated Cartoon Pictures On Learning Second Language Vocabulary
  • Allison, Rebecca (UC-Boulder). Teaching about German Dialects through Technology
  • Asmari, Ali (King Khalid University) & M. Shamsur Rabb Khan (King Khalid University). Facebook for Saudi Students: Facilitating English Language Learning
  • Barrett, Kerrin (University of Colorado Denver) & Jennifer Ann Linder-VanBerschot (University of Colorado Denver). Success! Éxito! 成功!: International Success Stories from Teachers, Learners and Support Staff in Online Courses
  • Becher, Anne (UC-Boulder), Alison Hicks (UC-Boulder), & Mark Knowles (UC-Boulder). Bottom-up Digital Literacies in an Advanced Spanish Composition Course
  • Bourdier, Juliette (UC-Boulder). Let Them Become Journalists!
  • Camacho, Alison (Georgia State University). Videotaping ESL/EFL Students for Increased Motivation, Proficiency, Interaction and Fun
  • Correa, Maite (Colorado State University) & Frédérique Grim (Colorado State University). Audacity as a Self-Awareness Tool for Improving L2 Pronunciation
  • Davinroy, Thomas (Metropolitan State College of Denver) & Ann Williams (Metropolitan State College of Denver). Landforms & Streetscapes: Google Earth, Visual Immersion, & Cultural Competency
  • Dings, Abby (Southwestern University) & Ted Jobe (Southwestern University). To Caption or Not to Caption: Authentic Materials and Learning Comprehension Strategies
  • D’Silva, Patrick (UC-Boulder). Integrating Colloquial Arabic Materials into a Modern Standard Arabic Curriculum Using Pimsleur Audio Method
  • Fell, Courtney (UC-Boulder). ALTEC’s Foreign Language Technology Program
  • Gilg, Rachael (University of Texas at Austin) & Karen Kelton (University of Texas at Austin). Learning to Share: Putting “Open Education” Principles into Practice
  • Gilg, Rachael (University of Texas at Austin) & Karen Kelton (University of Texas at Austin). Leveraging the Power of Open Content
  • Guilloteau, Nancy (University of Texas at Austin). Taking It to the Next Level: Intensive French at the University of Texas
  • Gonzales, Adrienne (University of Denver) & Kathy Mahnke (University of Denver). Using Blogs to Supplement Directed Independent Language Study
  • Ivanyi, Katalin (Boulder Valley School District). Smartpens, ToDo Aleman, & Lingtlanguage
  • Kim, Sangbok (UC-Boulder). Using the Web for Conversational Practice
  • Knowles, Mark (UC-Boulder) & Edwige Simon (UC-Boulder). Master’s Program in Technology Assisted Language Teaching: A Brainstorm Session
  • Levet, Sabine (MIT). Developing Students’ Intercultural Skills in the Language Class
  • McDonald, Lunden (Metropolitan State College of Denver). Using Wikis & Universal Design for Learning to Enhance Cultural Understanding in the Foreign Language Classroom
  • McNeil, Jan Torbet (University of Hawaii). Virtually Visualizing with Versatile Voicethreading
  • McNeil, Merica (University of Arizona). Designing Engaging Activities for a Hybrid Foreign Language Class
  • Meis, Katherine (UC-Boulder). Virtual Exchanges: Lessons Learned from Skype Exchanges with Native Spanish Speakers
  • Park, Moonyoung (Iowa State University). Pedagogical & Technological Issues in ASR-Based Feedback in Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Teaching
  • Rawson, Gay (Concordia College). Teaching Culture with Technology: A Showcase of Transformative & Successful Projects
  • Reimer, Felicia (Dakota Ridge High School) & Todd Reimer (Metropolitan State College of Denver). Making Connections in the 21st Century: Blogs & PenPals in the Spanish Classroom
  • Schincariol, Marcelo (UC-Boulder). Video-Based Curricula for Portuguese Instruction: Challenges of Creating Open Learning Resources for a Diverse Audience
  • Stoehr, Louise (Stephen F. Austin State University). Encouraging Student Creativity through Technology – VodCasting in Lower-Division Language Courses
  • Turi, Luziris (Rice University). Alternative Cinematic Experiences for 1st Year Spanish
  • Valin, Joshua (UC-Boulder). iPad & Twitter Language Resources
  • Walters, Véronique (University of Central Florida & North Dakota State University). Telecollaboration in Real Life
  • Wolf, M. Charlotte (Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers). Blended Learning: Using a Wiki to Extend Classroom Instruction

Product Demonstrations (20 minutes + 10 minute Q&A)

  • Berrafato, Andrew (DynEd). Mobile English: Using iPads, Tablets, and Smartphones to Teach English
  • Minassian, Mani (Auralog). Incorporating Technology for Successful Language Acquisition