Webinar: What Your Department Chair and Dean Can Help You Understand About Your Job
What Your Department Chair and Dean Can Help You Understand About Your Job
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Presenter(s): Ute Lahaie, IALLT President, Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Walsh University; Mike Ledgerwood, Immediate Past-President of IALLT, Chair of World Languages and Cultures at Samford University
IALLT is pleased to kick off its new webinar series, a free benefit available to all IALLT members. The goal of the webinar series is to provide IALLT members with access to engaging, interactive professional development workshops on a variety of topics related to language centers and language teaching with technology. The first webinar, “What Your Department Chair and Dean Can Help You Understand About Your Job,” designed for language center directors, was held Wednesday August 15, 2012. The presenters were Ute Lahaie, IALLT President / Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Walsh University and Mike Ledgerwood, Immediate Past-President of IALLT / Chair of World Languages and Cultures at Samford University. Both Dr. Lahaie and Ledgerwood are former Language Center Directors and either are or have been full professors of languages. Their current position gives them a unique perspective on how Language Centers and technology fit into department-wide and college-wide questions and considerations.