Webinar: Video Games for Language Learning
Video Games for Language Learning: A Mission for Language Centers?
Date: Wednesday October 10, 2012
Time: 3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT / 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 pm PT
Presenter(s): Felix Kronenberg, Assistant Professor for Modern Languages and Literatures and Director of the Language Learning Center at Rhodes College
The rising interest in video games for language learning and teaching purposes poses the question whether this area will be of growing importance concerning the offerings and support that language learning centers provide. In this presentation Dr. Kronenberg will outline the current state of research, and discuss advantages and disadvantages of games for L2 learning. He will also talk about the pedagogy behind the use of games for L2 learning, and provide an overview of successful projects and curricular integration at Rhodes College (and previously at Pomona College) as well as other universities and colleges. This will be followed by a discussion of how to best support the use of video games in the language center, including practical considerations such as hardware and software acquisitions, installation and support issues, professional development, as well as course integration topics, such as scaffolding and debriefing.