JASAL Journal Special Issue with IALLT – Call for Proposals

JASAL Journal December 2022

Special issue co-edited by the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL) and the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)

Editor and Guest Editors: 

Daniel Hooper (JASAL)
Betsy Lavolette (IALLT/JASAL)
Angelika Kraemer (IALLT)

The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL), IALLT’s Japanese sister organization, is soliciting abstracts for the JASAL Journal December 2022 Special Issue tentatively titled “International perspectives on language spaces.” This is a joint issue co-edited with IALLT.

Self-access centers and language centers offer spaces for language learners and teachers on their campuses. Similarly, JASAL brings together scholars and practitioners from SALCs, and IALLT brings together scholars and practitioners from US language spaces. 

This special issue seeks to illustrate perspectives from both organizations, highlighting what language spaces excel at in their contexts. Contributions are not limited to authors in the US and Japan, but are invited from authors researching language spaces worldwide. For this special issue, submissions should be in English.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • How are JASAL members reaching out to faculty at their institutions to share language learning/teaching expertise (e.g., holding PD events)? 
  • How are IALLT members using concepts of learner autonomy? 
  • How are language spaces using telecollaboration/COIL to connect learners/institutions in Japan, the US, and the world?
  • Sharing language space practices between Japan & the US (etc.)
  • Learning communities and communities of practice in language spaces
  • Learning advising

Articles should fit into the categories of research articles (3,000 to 5,000 words) or discussions of language space practices (2,000 to 2,500 words).

In addition, we are accepting relevant conference and book reviews.


  • June 1, 2022: 250-word abstract and short bio of each author
  • June 15, 2022: Contributors notified of editorial decision
  • August 31, 2022: Article draft due 
  • Mid November, 2022: Revised draft due 
  • December 2022: Publication in the December 2022 issue

You must be a JASAL member to contribute to the JASAL Journal. However, membership is free!

Please send abstracts to the JASAL Journal (jasaljournal@gmail.com) by June 1, 2022. In your email, please indicated whether you are proposing a research, practice, or review article. In the subject heading, please write “Special Issue 3(2).”

All accepted contributions will undergo a standard double-blind review. Authors should follow the guidelines for the journal. Please send any questions to the editors, including “Special Issue 3(2)” in the heading (jasaljournal@gmail.com).