Congratulations to New IALLT Officers!
IALLT is pleased to announce the names of its new officers, who will assume their positions at the end of IALLT 2017 in June.
President-Elect: Andrew Ross
Programs Director: Betsy Lavolette
Secretary: Shannon Spasova
IALLT congratulates these new officers and thanks all the candidates willing to serve in leadership roles. Special appreciation is due Harold Hendricks and Judi Franz, the members of the Election Committee.
IALLT’s next election will take place in early 2019, and officers to be elected will include all the above plus Treasurer. We look forward to hearing from anyone interested in becoming an IALLT officer. If you are interested, please contact any current or future officer. Remember, too, that there are many ways to participate in IALLT. If you are interested in working with IALLT, please contact any of the Board and Council members.