Call for Host Site for 2019
Plans are in full swing for IALLT 2017 at Concordia College, but we are also beginning to think about selecting a host for our 2019 conference. Hosting an IALLT conference at your institution is a great way to showcase exemplary work in the area of language learning and technology, draw attention to the importance of our field at your institution, and can be a professionally rewarding experience. To view a list of our past conference sites, click here .
If you are interested in hosting an IALLT conference at your institution, please send a proposal following the guidelines below. If you have any questions about what the hosting of an IALLT conference entails, you may direct them to Stacey Powell, IALLT Conference Coordinator (
Proposal Guidelines:
Your proposal should be complete, but concise and no more than ten pages in length. Images and web links are often helpful.
The Conference Coordinator will evaluate proposals and may conduct site visits before making a recommendation to the Board. Also, please keep in mind that IALLT typically holds a Board and Council meeting at the host location one year before the conference
E-mail your proposal to the IALLT Conference Coordinator, Stacey Powell (
Please include the following information in your proposal:
- Your reason for hosting an IALLT Conference at your institution.
- Why do you think your institution would be a good location for an IALLT conference?
- What would be the best/desired dates to hold an IALLT Conference on your campus? (Please be specific and give at least two options.)
2. A general description of your institution & its facilities
• facilities: lecture halls, computer labs, seminar rooms, meeting rooms, etc.
• technical support: internet access, platforms supported, troubleshooting, etc.
3. A description of your local support for conference planning & preparation
• organizational support
• conference services on campus, your staff
• institutional support: from your dept., dean/college, university/college (financial, staff, etc.)
• experience: have you planned conferences, symposia, colloquia or meetings before?
4. A description of travel & lodging options for the conference
• housing: anticipating approximately 200-300 participants (some with spouses & families) what types of lodging are available? – on/off campus, proximity to campus, etc.
• transportation: What transportation comes into and is available in your area?
• long distance: air, rail
• local: buses, shuttles
• meals: on campus cafeteria, local restaurants, etc.
5. A summary of local attractions and points of interest for spouses, families and evening events.
• Daytime: attractions, activities, festivals, gardens, parks, museums, etc.
• Evening: restaurants, pubs, shows, etc.