
Current MAALLT Officers for 2024-2025

  • President: Amanda Romjue 
  • President-Elect: Errol M. O’Neill
  • Past President: Jeff Samuels
  • Secretary: Shirley Hall
  • Treasurer: Jeff Samuels
  • Communications Coordinator: Valentina Lukin
  • Programs Coordinator: Nicolino Applauso

About MAALLT Officers

According to MAALLT’s bylaws, all officers must be full members of MAALLT.  Current requirements for MAALLT membership are an interest in participating in the organization and agreement with the organization’s purpose, “to promote more effective use and a better understanding of technology-based instruction in language resource centers, facilities, and classrooms at all levels of education and training.”  The President of MAALLT must also be a member in good standing of IALLT.

Elected officers serve for two years. The President-Elect becomes President when the latter’s term expires.  Officers elected in the fall of 2021 will serve from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

Elected Officers

The officers of the Association who make up the Board of Directors are the President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Communications Coordinator. The Past President serves on the Board of Directors in a non-voting (ex officio and advisory) capacity.


The President presides at all meetings, conducts the business of the Association, and arranges meetings in conjunction with the host institution and/or relevant conference(s). The President also serves as liaison with the IALLT Regional Group Coordinator and represents the region on the IALLT Council.


The President-Elect presides in the absence of the President and assists with meeting programs and Association business at the direction of the President and Board. The President-Elect also coordinates the efforts of the liaisons to the state world languages organizations (see the Bylaws for information). The President-Elect becomes the next President upon the expiration of the current President’s term.


The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Association, including the collection of annual membership dues, payment of all bills, filing of all tax and related forms, and preparation of financial reports to the Board of Directors.


The Secretary is responsible for the Association’s meeting and membership records, for mailings to members, and for publishing conference Proceedings as needed.

Communications Coordinator

The Communications Coordinator is responsible for the Association’s social media presence, including link updates and Conference details.