Webinar: Short Term Online Language Review Courses
Short Term Online Language Review Courses
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2013
Presenter(s): Edwige Simon, PhD, Language Technology Coordinator Anderson Language Technology Center, The University of Colorado at Boulder
The Anderson Language & Technology Center (ALTEC) at CU Boulder offers non-credit online review courses in French, German and Spanish year round. These courses, taught by experienced instructors, are an excellent way for intermediate students to brush up on their language skills. In this webinar, I will discuss the challenges and affordances of designing and offering these online review courses. I will address design principles (social media and 100% authentic resources), recruiting students, keeping students motivated in a non-credit course, keeping the content updated, and training teachers to teach online.
Edwige Simon is the newly elected Programs Director for IALLT and she has been working in the field of education for over ten years. For the past 7 years, she has been working for the Anderson Language & Technology Center at CU Boulder where she runs a language technology certification program. She conducts regular hands-on workshops and gives presentations for faculty, graduate students and K-12 teachers on how to integrate technology in the classroom. She has also worked as a consultant for the school of Continuing Education at the University of Colorado (Boulder) and as an independent contractor for an online learning company. She recently finished her PhD in online learning. Her research interests focus on professional development and the preparation of educators to teach online.