Free Webinar for December 13, 2016
Optimizing Tech Options for Study Abroad.
Students going abroad will inevitably take their familiar technology tools and services with them. As numerous studies have shown, that may well result in students communicating while abroad mainly with their already established circle of friends in their native language. I will be arguing that language departments, study abroad offices, and individual faculty should play an active role in guiding students towards technology use which will enhance their opportunities for contact with the target culture and therefore the likelihood of greater language and culture gains. It’s important to provide guidance not only before departure, but also to look to ways to encourage and support students while abroad. We will look at some of the tech options which studies have shown to be most effective, with particular attention paid to the integration of mobile devices.
- Robert Godwin-Jones, Virginia Commonwealth University
- December 13, 2016
- 10:00 am PT / 11:00 am MT / 12:00 pm CT / 1:00 pm ET