Online translators: How do we deal with the elephant in the (virtual) classroom?

Google Translate, online dictionaries, and similar electronic tools are becoming even more of a hot topic now that more of our language classes are being transitioned to hybrid or online instruction. Previous research has already found that more than four out of five students use online translators for on-ground classes, even when it’s prohibited. Methods to prevent unauthorized use of tools (e.g. lock-down browsers) for courses delivered online are usually rather easy to circumvent. In this webinar, I will discuss the results of my recent survey of online students and instructors that explored usage, attitudes, and course policies for web- and app-based language tools. I’ll also share suggestions for rubrics and training that instructors can implement to help students to use (or not use) translators and other tools in different contexts.

  • Presenter: Errol O’Neill, University of Memphis
  • Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
  • Time: 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
  • Webinar Duration – 1 hour

Webinar Registration HERE